

Dinosaur doesn't necessarily mean "terrible lizard' as some have said, but rather is made of of "saur" which means "reptile" or "lizard" in Greek, and "Deinos" which can mean "terrible," "wondrous" and "fearfully great!" Now enjoy a selection of Deinos Dad Jokes. And please email me your favorites at!

As a dino loving dad, I couldn't make a dinosaur website without some dinosaur dad jokes. Please email me your favorites at

Q: What do you call an exploding dinosaur?

Q: What do you call a
liquid exploding dinosaur?
A: Gasoline!
(Kind of makes it easier to spend $4 a gallon when you think about it.)

Q: What would you get if a herd of dinosaurs went on the highway?
A: Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

Q: Why do sauropods have long necks?
A: Because their feet smell!

Q: Did you know that Triceratops could grow up to 30 feet?
A: But usually they just had four.

Q: What's green and hangs from tall trees?
A: Brachiosaurus snot

(This one is from my daughter, Penny.)
Q: What do you call a dinosaur that eats at the table?
A: A dinoing table!

Q: Did Similicaudipteryx wear glasses?
A: No. But it does have four I's

Q: Did all dinosaurs have two eyes?
A: We'll never know because they don't fossil eyes.

Q: Why did the brass trio like to play songs about Triceratops?
A: Because it has three horns!

Q: Did you hear about the choir or sauropods?
A: They were the brachiochorus.

Q: Why did stegosaurus make a mess during dinner?
A: Because his plates were on his back.

Q: What do you call a dinosaur with great teeth?
A: Flossaraptor

Q: Why are archaeologists so cranky?
A: I don't know, but they always have a bone to pick!