There are now three easy ways to get SWITCHASAURUS! freebies. Read below!

Lucky you! If you are visiting this website in early 2022, it means you're one of the first people to have discovered SWITCHASAURUS! We're just getting started, and we're eager to start sending freebies to email list subscribers,

  • New dinosaur cards!
    We'll be releasing two new cards each year. Be sure to email us or visit our Facebook page to tell us which Dinos need to be next.

  • Faulty decks at cost
    As mentioned on Side Hustle School with Chris Guillbeau, and described here, a large shipment from an overseas supplier had faulty printing and other issues, but were ultimately fun and playable - just something less than retail quality. Email subscribers have the opportunity to purchase these decks at cost, and to suggest opportunities for charitable donations.

    Including FLIPPASAURUS! coming in 2023 with a free dinosaur coin for our email subscribers!

  • New art!
    We're partnering with a prominent dinosaur media producer to bring dinosaurs you've seen on the screen to our game.

  • Kickstarter Freebies:
    When the new designs are ready, email subscribers will get special incentives at no extra cost in the Kickstarter campaign.